Worldwide news reports have recently covered the use of mediation in several high profile disputes; the Ryan Air Irish pilot dispute over pay, civil claims for sexual assault for $100 million against Harvey Weinstein, UK Sport and Sport England governance clashes and NFL players claims for head injuries to name a few.
The flexibility, the speed of resolution and reduced costs compared to litigation all make mediation an attractive option.
The above disputes demonstrate the wide variety of matters being mediated. The following is a non-exhaustive list offering further examples:-
- Company, Commercial and Contract Disputes
- Property & Landlord and Tenant Disputes
- Construction Disputes
- Injury and Accident Claims
- Employment and Workplace Disputes
- Probate and Inheritance Disputes
- Clinical Negligence Claims
- Sports & Clubs Disputes
- Team challenges outside the workplace e.g. clubs or groups (e.g. Theatre, dance and music)
Whatever your disagreement, having options in finding a solution can make all the difference. Few of us want to be held back in the past going over problems that have arisen and most prefer to be forward looking and moving on.
If you are in dispute, consider whether mediation could provide you with the quicker and cheaper alternative than going to Court. You may wish to seek legal advice first and know your legal position before progressing to mediation and making a commercial or personal decision for you and/or your business.