Do you have a work colleague who constantly winds you up? Someone who picks on you and undermines your work? A team member who is under performing? Work can be challenging. We are all unique. We respond differently to the same environment and people. But when we understand and respect our differences and what makes each of us excel, work can be positive, and business can boom.
Uncomfortable or toxic work environments are not conducive to our wellbeing and don’t underpin strong work performance. Yes, there will be businesses that put profit above people. Many of them will be seen as successful and championed. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Colleagues working together in a true team format deliver results that go beyond profit and in times that now require organisations to look beyond their balance sheet at their impact, there is no better place to start than with culture. And culture is about people.
Mediation creates a safe space to explore problems between work colleagues. What are the alternatives? Carry on, or move jobs. Perhaps there may be good reasons for choosing one of these options. But when you spend so much time at work, could it be worthwhile exploring another option?
What would it be like to explain to a colleague how their negative behaviours impact you? If you were empowered to speak and not surrounded by others, could you take this step towards a more positive workplace? Improving communication is one of the elements of mediation.
By agreement, those involved establish their own plan as to how they work best together. Plans can identify how each person choses to respond in the future to avoid misunderstandings. Whilst it takes time to build trust, it is a first step towards a happier work environment.
The outcome is one of clarity and insight. Clarity on individual goals as well as new knowledge of each person involved. All of it shared in a confidential forum that is not reported back to HR Managers, bosses or team members.
None of us are perfect and it may never be possible to agree on everything, but through these facilitated conversations a foundation is put in place to help guide and establish a better working relationship. And with time, a stronger team.
Want to know more? Get in touch today and ask about how mediation could help you.